A critical zero-day vulnerability has been discovered in the Telegram messaging app for Android, potentially exposing millions of users to malicious attacks. This vulnerability is exploited when users attempt to play a malicious video file within the app. Instead of playing the video, Telegram displays an error message, prompting the user to use an external player. When the user clicks the “Open” button, it triggers the installation of a malicious app disguised as an external player.
To mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability, Telegram users are strongly advised to update their app to the latest version immediately. Additionally, users should exercise caution when interacting with media files from unknown sources to avoid falling victim to such exploits.
Organizations and individuals are also encouraged to evaluate the necessity of using Telegram for their operations, particularly in sensitive environments. Restricting application use and ensuring that only essential and fully updated apps are installed can significantly reduce the risk of exposure to this and other potential threats.
For further information and updates, users should stay informed through official channels and take proactive measures to protect their data and privacy.