Renowned skit maker Brain Jotter recently gifted legendary musician Mike Ejeagha a substantial sum of money, running into millions, after reviving Ejeagha’s 40-year-old music in a skit. This act has ignited a debate among netizens regarding copyright and intellectual property laws, with many questioning whether royalties should be paid to Pa Mike.
Offering his perspective, legendary Nollywood actor and movie producer Patrick Doyle shared his expert opinion on the issue:
“The duration of the sound clip used in Brain Jotter’s skit is less than the required length to qualify for royalty sharing under current intellectual property protocols. Essentially, this is an audio-visual work conceived by Brain Jotter.”
Doyle continued, “Whatever Brain Jotter gifted the old man in appreciation for his audio clip is simply that, a gift. The good news is the audio-visual work has revived interest in the old man’s works. He can now begin to earn from the renewed interest in his repertoire.”
Anthony Emeka Nwosu
Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos