In a groundbreaking achievement, Justin Chukwudi Olewuezi has etched his name in the annals of Nigerian academic history by becoming the first Nigerian to graduate as a Doctor from Siberia State Medical University in Tomsk. Olewuezi, a standout student from the Siberia State Medical University in Tomsk, Russia, has not only achieved this historic milestone but has also secured the title of the best graduating student in the Department of Medicine. His stellar academic performance is evidenced by an exceptional Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 5.00 out of 5.00.
His academic journey began at Tomsk Polytechnic University, where he immersed himself in the study of the Russian language alongside various scientific subjects. Subsequently, he transitioned to the Siberian State Medical University in Tomsk to pursue his medical education
Dr. Olewuezi’s achievement is further underscored by the fact that he attained the highest possible grade point average in the university’s 135-year history. His remarkable feat not only brings honor to himself but also shines a spotlight on the potential and brilliance of Nigerian students on the global stage.
As Nigerians celebrate this extraordinary accomplishment, Olewuezi’s achievement serves as a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and dedication in pursuing academic excellence.