Hope Nwosu, a renowned Nigerian author, recently had a profoundly impactful experience at Finnkino Tennispalatsi cinema in Helsinki, Finland, where she had the unique opportunity to watch an African movie being screened at a national cinema. This event, which brought together a diverse audience, allowed Nwosu to reflect on the importance of representation in global media. “Representation does really matter!” she stated, highlighting the significance of seeing African stories shared on international platforms.
The evening was a perfect blend of nostalgia and laughter, as the African movie’s storyline not only entertained but also provided insightful and enlightening perspectives. Nwosu, who has always been passionate about African literature and media, found herself captivated by the humorous yet thought-provoking plot. “Apart from the funny but enlightening twist to the storyline, the movie brought together Africans and Finns for a memorable night filled with laughter and excitement,” she shared.
For Nwosu, this screening held personal significance. It marked her very first experience of watching an African film streamed in a national cinema in Finland – a moment that brought both joy and pride. The atmosphere of the cinema was electric, with both Africans and Finns in attendance, creating a vibrant space of cultural exchange and shared enthusiasm. Nwosu described the evening as one that gave a sense of belonging, especially for those in the audience who were of African descent. “The evening was remarkable and gave a sense of belonging to Africans and friends of Africa in the hall,” she expressed.
One of the most poignant moments of the evening for Nwosu was the realization of the empowering effect of this representation, particularly for young people. “Watching people who look like me on a big screen in a predominantly white society was heartwarming and empowering,” she reflected. This experience served as a powerful reminder of the impact of seeing oneself reflected in the media, especially for individuals who may not often see their identities represented on such a large scale.
However, the most emotional aspect of the night for Nwosu was seeing her teenage daughter’s reaction to the movie. “The best part of the evening for me was the excitement on the face of my teenage daughter during and after the movie. Seeing people who look like her in the limelight made a positive impact on her,” she said. The excitement on her daughter’s face was a powerful symbol of the importance of seeing African stories and characters celebrated in mainstream media. For Nwosu, this moment was particularly special as it reinforced the notion that young people, especially those in the diaspora, can achieve whatever they set their minds to.
Nwosu’s experience also served as a reminder for other young people in attendance that their dreams are valid. “Just like my daughter and other youngsters who came for the movie, the experience is a reminder that their dreams are valid, and they can achieve whatever they set their heart to,” she emphasized. This sentiment resonated deeply, as the experience provided not only entertainment but also a profound sense of hope and possibility for the future.
In addition to the cinematic experience, Nwosu had the opportunity to meet new faces at the event, further enriching the night’s connections. Through this, she was able to expand her network, connecting with individuals she has now added on LinkedIn. This social aspect of the event underscored the power of such cultural experiences to not only inspire but also foster valuable relationships.
The event in Helsinki served as a clear reminder of the power of representation in media, especially in a society where diversity is still growing. It was an evening that celebrated African culture, empowered the next generation, and brought people together across cultural divides, highlighting the importance of showcasing African stories on global platforms. Nwosu’s reflections on the event underscore the lasting impact that representation can have on individuals, particularly the youth, reminding them that their voices, stories, and dreams matter.
“Just like my daughter and other youngsters who came for the movie, the experience is a reminder that their dreams are valid, and they can achieve whatever they set their heart to,” she emphasized. This sentiment resonated deeply, as the experience provided not only entertainment but also a profound sense of hope and possibility for the future.