Hope Nwosu, a Nigerian author currently residing in Finland, participated in the recently held Work Wellbeing Day at Tapanila Sports Centre, Vantaa. Alongside 60 colleagues from the City of Vantaa, Nwosu took part in a series of activities and discussions aimed at addressing work-related and personal stress management.
The event, which focused on promoting mental and emotional health in the workplace, saw various experts share insights on how to effectively manage stress. According to Nwosu, the first step in stress management is the ability to identify and name the source of stress, a key takeaway from the keynote speaker. “The first step in stress management is to name the stress, its sources, and its effect on your wellbeing,” Nwosu remarked, emphasizing the importance of awareness in handling pressure.
Nwosu outlined several stress management techniques discussed during the event, including:
Identify the Source: Understand what triggers the stress.
Name It: Clearly define and recognize the issue causing stress.
Acknowledge Emotions: Determine how stress affects your mood, whether it leads to sadness, anger, or irritability.
In addition to theoretical discussions, practical advice was provided on how to reduce stress. Nwosu highlighted the importance of mindfulness, encouraging participants to live in the moment and connect with their inner selves. “Mindfulness involves regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and practicing self-awareness,” Nwosu added, reiterating that while not all stressful situations can be changed, one’s perception and response can be adjusted.
Moreover, Nwosu emphasized the significance of speaking openly about personal experiences with stress, as this can lead to better management and improved wellbeing. “Sharing your experience without shame is a key element of stress management,” she noted.
The Work Wellbeing Day was not solely focused on lectures. Nwosu and her colleagues engaged in several recreational activities designed to foster relaxation and team spirit. The participants enjoyed sports such as bubble football, bowling, and Taji, allowing for a light-hearted break from the day’s serious discussions.
Nwosu extended her gratitude to Vantaa Skills Centre, the event organizers, and the staff of Tapanila Sports Centre for facilitating an engaging and insightful day. She praised the relaxed and friendly atmosphere, which allowed her to bond with colleagues in an informal setting.
As more organizations place emphasis on mental health and workplace wellbeing, events like this demonstrate the growing importance of addressing stress in professional environments.
#StressManagement #WellbeingDay #MentalHealth #CareerDevelopment #Mindfulness