In a groundbreaking achievement, Professor Rose-Margaret Ekeng-Itua has emerged as the world’s first black woman to earn a doctorate degree (Ph.D) in Cybernetics. Cybernetics, the scientific study of information communication in machines and electronic equipment, now sees a historic milestone with Ekeng-Itua’s remarkable feat.
Ekeng-Itua’s journey to this pioneering achievement reflects her dedication to advancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields across Africa, particularly for girls. With over 20 years of experience in engineering and STEM education, she has carved a path of innovation and leadership, transcending continents.
Hailing from Nigeria, Ekeng-Itua’s fascination with technology traces back to her childhood. Her pursuit of knowledge led her to attain a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and a master’s degree in Mobile and Satellite Communications Engineering in the United Kingdom. Her passion for Mathematics and Physics from an early age has guided her career trajectory.
Her Ph.D. journey culminated at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom under the guidance of her first Ph.D. supervisor, Prof. Kevin Warwick, a notable figure in the realm of cybernetics as the world’s first human cyborg.
Professor Rose-Margaret Ekeng-Itua’s achievements stand as a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence and her relentless pursuit of knowledge. As a global champion of Nigerian extraction, her triumph inspires and celebrates diversity in academia and beyond. Let us join in honoring her remarkable accomplishment and the path she has paved for future generations.