I wish to place a rejoinder to my friend, the learned Chuks Nwachuku’s opinion and post on the IPOB march and trail of infamy today, Monday 9, 2021. I had seen the commentary and subtle invitation to respond. I needed to visit the barber and then return, recline to puff out my thinkings unhindered by repulsive remonstrances.
“The fly that is obstinate shall follow the corpse into the grave. And he who have killed his brother have committed a heinous abomination.” Ask Cain over Abel. Firstly, I was not excited about the IPOB wisdom on the “Ghost Town” philosophy. It is a shallow option not properly thought out. Again, it confirms the lack of profound intellectual inputs into the policy formulation machineries of the organisation. If they had any, they ought to know that the entire Igbo psyche would be severely hurt by such a diktat. An imposition from dictators. IPOB does not need to earn such a clout at this time.
If the organisation had any tangible brainbox, they ought to have taken a discreet survey to know if this extreme step would win general acceptance. The freedom and independence being sought and struggled for, is for the whole Igbo not for the members of the IPOB alone. Although they are leading the vanguard and thrust, the rest of us cannot be pushed away or into the lagoon for only the IPOB members to vegetate and blossom in the dream nation.. We are all stake holders.

I am compelled to ask: is this a foretaste of what life shall be in the new independent Biafra? We cannot suffer an Idi Amin, a Bokassa, Eyadema or a Mobutu Sese Seko or the tyranny of the Muslim Brotherhood led by Mossi in Egypt. The Igbo are well travelled, enlightened and educated. We cannot descend into the state of nature in our quest for independence.
If we do, it would be self-defeatist and counterproductive. A house divided against itself shall never stand.
School children have been hindered by the IPOB from taking their Maths exam today. Other Nigerians in other zones have taken theirs but the South East stood out in the rain for no convincing reasons. Has anyone pondered on the educational, demographic and economic consequences? Forcibly sequestering the emergent generation from marching in tandem with the times and the rest.
On the depth of dent on commerce and trade, the CBN and the Statistics Bureau shall in the course of time tell us what was lost, who lost and the economic implications to the SouthEast zone. I was terribly appalled at the burning of the Libra buses somewhere in Mbaise. Just to make real a threat. I wept. The burning of two persons within the vehicles. The deaths at Nnewi, of properties, people’s items of sustenance by a body pontificating to be seeking for Igbo emancipation. I am not convinced by the credo and the play out. Enlightenment, Exposure and discreet consultations remain the key.
Otherwise, how do we contrast this with the Fulani militia, the Bandits and the Boko Haram? The lines have increasingly become blurred since this morning. How can dogs eat dogs.
Evil prospers when good men keep quiet.
The Igbo in Diaspora who are the major financial backers of the IPOB need to take an appraisal of this day which may repeat itself in the next 7 days. It could be the beginning of the Igbo decimation of themselves. I don’t think that KANU gave this dictation. His junior brother tried to save and douse the situation but was overruled by a Powerful Emma. I am lost in the supposed wisdom of this order. Why not on a Wednesday , a midweek, whereby our people would have restocked and taken another stride.? Why a Monday after a Sunday?
IPOB needs a ThinkTank of top rated intellectuals. Insulting everyone else with a counter idea as “efulefu or otelectual” has robbed it of the interjections and enrichment of accomplished brains whose contributions shall be subtle and subterranean.
“Eze Onye agwanam” shall inflict severe and irreparable damages. Did you watch the #Endsars counterforce the Government unleached at Abuja and the Lekki Toll gate? It is a new app. Igbo discontent on this enforcement and bestiality could nurture or engender such a destructive counterforce in our land.
We dont pray for that. I hope that today’s outing should be made saner, modified and blended to serve the interests of the greater Igbo aspirations, methodologies and rules of engagement.
Innocent Nwankwo
If we do, it would be self-defeatist and counterproductive. A house divided against itself shall never stand.
School children have been hindered by the IPOB from taking their Maths exam today. Other Nigerians in other zones have taken theirs but the South East stood out in the rain for no convincing reasons. Has anyone pondered on the educational, demographic and economic consequences? Forcibly sequestering the emergent generation from marching in tandem with the times and the rest.